LOS ANGELES – A group of rank-and-file members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union who work at the Los Angeles/Long Beach ports donated $2,500 to the People’s Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo Fund Drive last week.

The unionists gave their contribution to Evelina Alarcon, a PWW contributor, and expressed their appreciation for the World’s consistent coverage of the longshore contract battle.

‘This contribution is given so you can keep the information coming,’ said the waterfront workers as they handed Alarcon the check. ‘We thank the PWW for keeping readers abreast of the contract negotiations from the beginning.’

‘We look forward to the reporting because the PWW tells the truth,’ said one of the workers. ‘You present the workers’ position – not the companies’.’

‘The PWW exposed the Bush administration intervention in longshore negotiations and called on our whole country to pressure Congress to keep Bush out. You alerted us to the danger of the union busting National Railway Act, which the Bush administration and Republican Party want to use against our union,’ said another worker.

‘Your coverage put the full union position out, which the rest of the media did not do. We appreciate that honest reporting,’ said another.

In addition to labor coverage, the unionists acknowledged the overall coverage, especially international news, the anti-war articles and the quote of the week, which they look forward to reading. ‘Thank you and keep it coming,’ they all said.