From Hawaii to Maine, Michigan to Florida, contributions ranging from a few dollars to thousands of dollars came in from 43 states to make up the total $203, 573 raised for the People’s Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo 2002 Fund Drive surpassing the $200,000 goal!

Contributions were collected at shop gates, cultural events and community banquets. They were brought to house parties to honor long-time readers, to discussion groups and social gatherings. They were raised at tag sales and raffles; they were collected on the street and at anti-war demonstrations from the sale of buttons and bumper stickers; they were raised from sales of hand-made works of art and international gifts.

They were collected through contributions to honor veteran comrades of the Communist Party USA and they were raised during the seven-city tour of Luis Fernandes from the Communist Party of Brazil.

No special grants from any foundation or corporation were a part of our fund drive, only the hard-earned money of working people committed to the paper’s coverage of peoples’ struggles, to shift our country away from war, racism and exploitation, to protect the constitution and the people’s right to peace and justice.

We thank all our readers and supporters who contributed their time, money and effort to making the 2002 Fund Drive such a success!