Did you know that over one-third of the average Social Security check goes toward out-of-pocket healthcare costs? That’s why Social Security Works has fought so hard against Trumpcare, and why we fight to lower prescription drug prices.
Imagine if Trumpcare passes the Senate ― raiding Medicare and destroying Medicaid, driving up out-of-pocket costs for older Americans, and shifting nursing home costs away from Medicaid and to U.S. families. All to give a massive tax break to the wealthy and large health care corporations. Social Security benefits already aren’t enough to keep up with the rising costs of aging. If we lose the Trumpcare fight, it’s going to be impossible for most Americans to retire.
According to Bruce Siegel, president of America’s Essential Hospitals, “there has never been a rollback of basic services to Americans like this ever in U.S. history.”
That’s why we’re fighting so hard: Help Social Security Works fight back today without opening your wallet.
Click here to vote for Social Security Works to help us receive up to $100,000 in funding from our friends at CREDO Action. And help ensure that we have the resources to fight Trumpcare in the Senate.
Thank you for all that you do.
Michael Phelan
Social Security Works