Interested in Chicago, politics, or Obama? Read ‘Conversations with Abner Mikva’
February 5, 2019CHICAGO—If you’re interested in Chicago, read this book. If you’re interested in politics, read this book. If you’re interested in the more-than-occasional zaniness of Chicago politics, read this book. And if you’re interested in Barack Obama...
Read more‘Communism for Kids’—but mostly for grownups with imagination
December 27, 2018A reader with some background in socialist thinking will readily identify the hopeful, optimistic conclusion with some skepticism, smacking as it does of the early “utopians."
Read more‘On Her Shoulders’ shows the media game that is modern advocacy
October 24, 2018The documentary On Her Shoulders follows Murad’s advocacy tour to get concrete policies passed to rectify the horrors done to her people.
Read more‘What Can You Believe If You Don’t Believe in God?’
September 17, 2018It’s a highly readable, substantive book that should serve to answer many questions without presuming to address every mystery of the universe.
Read moreThis week in history: Working Women’s Association established 150 years ago
September 17, 2018The WWA's membership grew to include over 100 wage-earning women in addition to journalists and other women whose work was intellectual.
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