Progressives rack up impressive victories in June 23 Democratic primaries
June 24, 2020In New York, AOC wins blowout victory and 32-year incumbent Engels is defeated; in Kentucy and North Carolina, Trump-backed Republicans lose GOP primaries.
Read moreHealth experts blast Trump order to cut down coronavirus testing
June 23, 2020White House staff and campaign officials tried to say the president was joking. He refuted those claims, saying on Tuesday: "I don't kid."
Read moreKentucky voting chaos: 600,000 Louisville voters, one polling place
June 23, 2020700,000 residents, including the city of Louisville and its 20% African-American electorate, have one polling place: The city convention center.
Read moreVoter suppression looms over the 2020 election
June 22, 2020You’ve heard or read about a wide range of ways the right wing is suppressing the votes of people it hates, but this takes the cake.
Read moreJuneteenth: A day for national action
June 19, 2020"The devaluing of Black lives is built into this American system to the point that the ideas around democracy don't apply to us the same way that they apply to white folks."
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