
  • Union launches Wal-Mart organizing drive

    Union launches Wal-Mart organizing drive

    May 6, 2009

    For the last six years the United Food and Commercial Workers union has led a national publicity campaign that has resulted in millions viewing Wal-Mart as a monster that chews up its workers and takes advantage...

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  • Oakland workers, neighbors give Port Board an earful

    Oakland workers, neighbors give Port Board an earful

    May 6, 2009

    OAKLAND, Calif. -- Port board members got an earful from workers and local residents at a May 2 public hearing on the Comprehensive Truck Management Plan the Port of Oakland is preparing as part of its...

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  • Is a workers life worth about $11,300?

    Is a workers life worth about $11,300?

    May 6, 2009

    Eleazar Torres-Gomez climbed onto a slow-moving conveyor to untangle a pile of wet laundry. Cintas, the laundry giant, encouraged workers at its Tulsa, Okla. plant to climb onto the conveyors to push items that were tangled...

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  • New project to combat unconscious racism

    New project to combat unconscious racism

    May 6, 2009

    Original source: While the election of President Obama shows that overt racism is less acceptable in America, a new project launched last month by the Institute for America’s Future explores the large role unconscious racial bias...

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  • May Day marches put immigration reform front & center

    May Day marches put immigration reform front & center

    May 5, 2009

    CHICAGO — Thousands of immigrant rights advocates marched in cities coast to coast May 1, to honor the most widely celebrated holiday on the planet, International Workers Day. Thousands took to the streets in Houston, Los...

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