
  • Auto workers left with no bailout

    Auto workers left with no bailout

    April 1, 2009

    President Barack Obama said March 30 that the government will withhold additional long-term federal loans for General Motors and Chrysler unless the company, its creditors and the unions make more concessions. He also raised the possibility...

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  • Feds charge Republic violated labor law

    Feds charge Republic violated labor law

    April 1, 2009

    CHICAGO – On Monday the United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers (UE) here announced the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is charging the owners of Republic Windows and Doors with violating federal labor law. Two hundred...

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  • Former pilots president nominated to head Federal Aviation Administration

    Former pilots president nominated to head Federal Aviation Administration

    April 1, 2009

    Capt. Randy Babbitt, who spent 25 years in the cockpit beginning with Eastern Airlines and served two terms as president of the Air Line Pilots (ALPA), was nominated last week by President Obama to take over...

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  • Union discord is exception rather than rule

    Union discord is exception rather than rule

    March 31, 2009

    Some good news came recently under the category of labor unity. The Service Employees and the California Nurses Association have ended a yearlong jurisdictional dispute, agreeing to work together to unionize hospital workers and push for...

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  • Millions of auto jobs hang on governments GM, Chrysler decision

    Millions of auto jobs hang on governments GM, Chrysler decision

    March 31, 2009

    Reposted from As millions of workers whose jobs depend on them anxiously await government action this week on more loans for GM and Chrysler, President Obama is expected to announce that more money will flow...

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