
  • Jobs report worst since Great Depression

    Jobs report worst since Great Depression

    March 13, 2009

    The United States is now facing levels of joblessness comparable to those of the Great Depression. Labor Department data released this month shows in February, employers eliminated 651,000 jobs, the third month in a row that...

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  • L.A. teachers facing mass layoffs

    L.A. teachers facing mass layoffs

    March 13, 2009

    On Tuesday the Los Angeles Board of Education approved nearly 9,000 layoff notices for permanent elementary school teachers, probationary teachers, and some non-teaching personnel and administration officials. LA is the second largest school district in the...

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  • Setting standards for green and good jobs

    Setting standards for green and good jobs

    March 13, 2009

    Original source: If the nation’s economy is to truly recover, the funds from President Obama’s economic recovery package—the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act—must be spent in ways that keep working families’ needs in mind and create...

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  • Dont disgrace Chicago, Congress Hotel workers tell tourism board

    Dont disgrace Chicago, Congress Hotel workers tell tourism board

    March 12, 2009

    CHICAGO -- To its great shame, the Chicago Convention and Tourism Bureau still promotes the Congress Hotel despite a six-year strike that has garnered national attention and solidarity. Several dozen strikers and their supporters picketed the...

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  • UPDATE Citigroup, AIG, on taxpayer dole, lead charge vs. worker rights

    UPDATE Citigroup, AIG, on taxpayer dole, lead charge vs. worker rights

    March 12, 2009

    WASHINGTON — Organized labor hit the ground running March 10, bringing hundreds of workers to the capital to visit their senators and representatives to urge passage of the Employee Free Choice Act on the day it...

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