
  • Labor was key in turning Ohio, and U.S., blue

    Labor was key in turning Ohio, and U.S., blue

    December 6, 2008

    CLEVELAND — According to preliminary data, organized labor can claim credit for nearly 40 percent of Barack Obama’s vote in Ohio, turning the state from red to blue, a key element of the national Democratic victory....

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  • Billions for Bank of America, zero for workers

    Billions for Bank of America, zero for workers

    December 5, 2008

    CHICAGO — Workers at Republic Windows and Doors in the Goose Island neighborhood began occupying the plant Friday morning Dec. 5 to regain pay for lost vacation days after the plant was abruptly closed. They plan...

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  • They auto know better: Fueling anti-union fires

    They auto know better: Fueling anti-union fires

    December 2, 2008

    My local newspaper editor, as he does regularly, once again attacked unions as the problem in America. This is the same editor who once said 'all the laziest goof-offs and goldbricks in the newsroom' where he...

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  • The stories that matter: Workers making things better

    The stories that matter: Workers making things better

    November 25, 2008

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – “I remember what she did every weekday in the 1950s, riding the back of that bus in Austin, Texas so she could clean other people’s houses. I remember how he, as a day...

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  • AFTs Weingarten puts everything but vouchers on the table

    AFTs Weingarten puts everything but vouchers on the table

    November 24, 2008

    WASHINGTON (PAI)--In her first major policy address since being elected President of the American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten put “everything but vouchers” on the bargaining table--including merit pay and tenure--as long as the results help...

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