
  • McCain links to anti-union casino no surprise to workers

    McCain links to anti-union casino no surprise to workers

    October 18, 2008

    When scores of dealers and their supporters rallied at Connecticut’s Foxwoods Casino last May for their right to representation by United Auto Workers Region 9A, which they had voted for overwhelmingly, passersby were quick to honk...

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  • Union retirees turning Florida from red to blue

    Union retirees turning Florida from red to blue

    October 17, 2008

    FORT MEYERS, Fla. — Labor activists in this very Republican area of Florida are feeling traction in their efforts to elect Barack Obama president. The Alliance of Retired Americans (ARA), United Auto Workers retirees and other...

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  • West Coast longshore workers OK new contract

    West Coast longshore workers OK new contract

    October 14, 2008

    West Coast longshore workers last week ratified a new six-year contract with the Pacific Maritime Association of waterfront employers. The new pact covers some 65,000 longshore workers and marine clerks, members of the International Longshore and...

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  • Workers, Oakland residents press Clean Trucks Program

    Workers, Oakland residents press Clean Trucks Program

    October 14, 2008

    OAKLAND, Calif. — Now that the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach have begun to implement the nation’s first comprehensive Clean Trucks Program, Oakland’s port truck drivers and their union and community supporters are wondering...

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  • Apollo Alliance: green jobs are the future

    Apollo Alliance: green jobs are the future

    October 10, 2008

    SAN LEANDRO, Calif. — While financial calamity and soaring unemployment dominated media headlines last week, a nationwide coalition of labor, environmental, business and community organizations was making news of a different sort with its bold new...

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