
  • Wage theft, Bush-style

    Wage theft, Bush-style

    July 23, 2008

    In an unlikely team-up, impartial investigators from the Government Accountability Office joined a low-income workers’ advocate at congressional hearings July 15 to tell lawmakers that President Bush’s Labor Department has failed to enforce minimum wage and...

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  • Campus workers end week-long strike

    Campus workers end week-long strike

    July 23, 2008

    OAKLAND, Calif. — Thousands of service workers returned to their jobs on University of California campuses July 21, after a week-long strike to protest the university’s stonewalling of their demands for fair compensation in contract negotiations...

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  • Longshore talks continue after contract expired

    Longshore talks continue after contract expired

    July 23, 2008

    West Coast longshore workers of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union are continuing talks with the employers’ Pacific Maritime Association for a new agreement, following the July 1 expiration of their contract. “We’re making progress and...

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  • McCain bashes workers, public education at NAACP meet

    McCain bashes workers, public education at NAACP meet

    July 17, 2008

    “Bashing workers” was how AFL-CIO executive vice president Arlene Holt-Baker, characterized presumptive Republican nominee John McCain's speech at the 99th convention of the NAACP in Cincinnati on Wednesday. 'He took the opportunity to, quite frankly, bash...

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  • Teachers union rolls out new vision for Americas schools

    Teachers union rolls out new vision for Americas schools

    July 16, 2008

    Three women elected to lead 1.4-million-member union CHICAGO — “Can you imagine a federal law that promoted community schools — schools that serve the neediest children by bringing together under one roof all the services and...

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