
  • Fix the health care system

    Fix the health care system

    November 30, 2007

    ASHTABULA, Ohio — Health Care for All was the topic at the Town Hall meeting here Nov. 10 at People’s Missionary Baptist Church. The meeting, endorsed by the NAACP and the Ashtabula AFL-CIO and Retiree Council,...

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  • Shut down NLRB for renovations, Ohio unionists demand

    Shut down NLRB for renovations, Ohio unionists demand

    November 30, 2007

    CLEVELAND — A spirited crowd of Working America, Jobs with Justice and local unions’ members picketed the federal building here Nov. 19 to protest a new raft of anti-labor decisions by the National Labor Relations Board....

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  • Collapse in mine safety, report says

    Collapse in mine safety, report says

    November 30, 2007 By Denise Winebrenner Edwards

    PITTSBURGH — “The collapse of MSHA began when Bush appointed David Lauriski in 2001,” says mine safety expert Jack Spadaro. “That set in motion all the processes and disasters in coal mining making headlines now.”

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  • Fans back writers in week 4 of strike

    Fans back writers in week 4 of strike

    November 30, 2007

    NEW YORK — A thousand striking writers and their backers rallied in Washington Square Park here Nov. 27 to kick off the fourth week of a strike by the Writers Guild of America against an array...

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  • Labor leaving no stone un-turned

    Labor leaving no stone un-turned

    November 21, 2007

    Organized labor is flexing its muscles, showing that it is tired of taking it on the chin. If the unions have their way, between now and Election Day, even the ultra-right lock on the White House...

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