
  • Editorial: Look whos talking about the working class

    Editorial: Look whos talking about the working class

    May 22, 2008

    If Marx and Engels were around today, listening to the corporate media pundits on cable and in print, they might have started their Manifesto with, “A spectre is haunting the U.S. 2008 elections – the spectre...

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  • Photo gallery: Silicon Valley janitors go on strike

    Photo gallery: Silicon Valley janitors go on strike

    May 22, 2008

    MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA (5/20/08) -- Silicon Valley janitors, mostly immigrants from Mexico and Central America, walked out of Cisco Systems and Yahoo buildings in the first day of a Bay Area-wide strike intended to force building...

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  • Security officers stand up for a union

    Security officers stand up for a union

    May 21, 2008

    OAKLAND, Calif. — They’re the only workers inside Kaiser health care facilities, whether employed directly or contracted, who are denied the right to form a union. And as hundreds of them demonstrated with a three-day unfair...

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  • Jobs with Justice celebrates, organizes

    Jobs with Justice celebrates, organizes

    May 17, 2008

    PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Jobs with Justice continues as a tremendous asset for organized labor, but new and exciting trends were also evident at its national conference here May 2-4. The organization that was founded by five...

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  • American Axle workers keep up the fight

    American Axle workers keep up the fight

    May 15, 2008

    DETROIT -- No one at American Axle expected to be out for three months, but workers continue to keep the dozen or so gates of the sprawling American Axle complex in Detroit fully staffed. While there...

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