
  • Utah mine was unsafe

    Utah mine was unsafe

    August 10, 2007

    Rescue teams were still racing to reach six coal miners who remained trapped 1,500 feet below ground a day after an Aug. 6 collapse at the Crandall Canyon Mine in central Utah. The collapse was so...

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  • Catholic hospital chain pressed on low wages

    Catholic hospital chain pressed on low wages

    August 10, 2007

    CHICAGO (PAI) — Four years ago, Araceli Romero’s son Julio developed a serious infection. Romero, a laundress at Resurrection Medical Center in Chicago — flagship of one of the nation’s largest Catholic health care medical chains...

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  • Washington and Chiquita  partners in terror

    Washington and Chiquita partners in terror

    August 10, 2007

    Revelations of ties between the Chiquita Brands International, based in Cincinnati, and right-wing terrorist groups in Colombia highlight corporate crimes and swagger in a country rife with suffering. They also show Washington’s hypocrisy regarding terrorism. Chiquita,...

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  • Workers beat back Waste Managements challenge

    Workers beat back Waste Managements challenge

    August 10, 2007

    OAKLAND, Calif. — Residents and businesses here and in neighboring cities heaved a collective sigh of relief this week as garbage workers returned to work July 30 at Waste Management of Alameda County, proud that with...

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  • Working families challenge candidates: What will you do to change things?

    Working families challenge candidates: What will you do to change things?

    August 10, 2007

    CHICAGO — They came to Soldier Field, not to cheer for the hometown Bears, but to challenge presidential candidates to represent the rainbow of working people on Main Street, not Wall Street. At the unprecedented gathering...

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