
  • Portuguese public workers battle austerity plan

    Portuguese public workers battle austerity plan

    December 22, 2006

    LISBON, Portugal — A two-day general strike brought this nation to a standstill Nov. 9-10 as 750,000 public workers protested the government’s plan to impose vicious wage and benefit cutbacks at the insistence of the Brussels-based...

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  • 24th W.Va. miner killed on job

    24th W.Va. miner killed on job

    December 22, 2006

    Longtime residents of this state remark, “The only time West Virginia gets on the news is when there is a mining disaster or when a miner dies at work.” The state was back in the news...

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  • Huge victory for labor in southwest Texas

    Huge victory for labor in southwest Texas

    December 22, 2006

    Labor-backed Ciro Rodriguez defeated Republican Henry Bonilla, a seven-term incumbent, in Texas’ 23rd Congressional District, delivering a knockout blow to the right wing. Rodriguez garnered 54 percent of the vote in the Dec. 12 runoff election,...

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  • Iraqi unions reject foreign control of oil

    Iraqi unions reject foreign control of oil

    December 22, 2006

    Leaders of Iraq’s labor movement have criticized Iraqi government plans to hand control over the country’s oil production to multinational companies. At a Dec. 14 meeting in Amman, Jordan, leaders of Iraq’s five trade union federations...

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  • Stop victimizing workers: Labor, community groups mobilize against immigration raids

    Stop victimizing workers: Labor, community groups mobilize against immigration raids

    December 22, 2006

    Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents raided Swift & Co. meat-processing plants in Colorado, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska and Utah last week, arresting 1,282 undocumented workers. It was the largest-ever workplace assault on immigrant workers. But the raids...

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