
  • Labor, immigrant rights groups: No two-tier society

    Labor, immigrant rights groups: No two-tier society

    May 25, 2007

    The Senate-White House compromise bill on immigration reform was no sooner submitted than it ran into a storm of opposition. Thee measure was sharply criticized by key components of the immigrant rights movement. Numerous labor, Latino,...

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  • San Antonio hosts immigration meet

    San Antonio hosts immigration meet

    May 18, 2007

    SAN ANTONIO — Fourteen national leaders of U.S. unions and civic organizations and a member of the Mexican Congress participated in the First International Forum on Immigration here, May 5. It was convened by Jaime Martinez,...

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  • Reality TV producers need a reality check

    Reality TV producers need a reality check

    May 18, 2007

    Union busting is not new. Corporations with enough money and inclination have employed many dirty tactics to break a union organizing campaign. However, the tactics being waged against television writers fighting for benefits and membership in...

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  • There comes a time

    There comes a time

    May 18, 2007

    Before the ’06 elections, more than a few skeptical voices asked what substantial progress could be achieved through the peoples’ massive get-out-the-vote campaign. We had tried before and failed. Yet after the ballots were counted, even...

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  • EDITORIAL: Let the workers beware

    EDITORIAL: Let the workers beware

    May 18, 2007

    With the purchase this week of Chrysler Group by Cerberus Capital Management, the proverb “Let the buyer beware” should be replaced with one that reads, “Let the workers beware.” The fact that Cerberus is run by...

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