
  • Autoworker walks across Ohio for health care

    Autoworker walks across Ohio for health care

    September 1, 2006

    Dave Pavlick doesn’t fit any of the tired old stereotypes of an activist. At age 53, a former Marine and active UAW member, Dave spent 30 years working as a corrections officer. A family man, he...

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  • Are guaranteed pensions a thing of the past?

    Are guaranteed pensions a thing of the past?

    September 1, 2006

    What the Republican-controlled federal government couldn’t do with Social Security may have been achieved with pensions, as Congress this month passed the biggest pension law changes in 30 years. The full impact is unclear, but certainly...

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  • Day laborers find hope in San Francisco program

    Day laborers find hope in San Francisco program

    September 1, 2006

    SAN FRANCISCO — Early on a chill, gray August morning, men seeking casual jobs pulled their jackets closer as they stood in little groups along the Mission District’s Cesar Chavez Street. There was something different about...

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  • Labors election plan: Turn up the turnout!

    Labors election plan: Turn up the turnout!

    September 1, 2006

    “George Bush isn’t on the ballot this November, but his agenda is and the representatives in Congress who have rubber-stamped his priorities are,” AFL-CIO President John Sweeney told reporters at a national press conference Aug. 30....

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  • Katrina profiteering, war on workers

    Katrina profiteering, war on workers

    September 1, 2006

    Bechtel, Halliburton drive up costs while local contractors, workers are shut out One year after Hurricane Katrina, one thing is clear: the term “masters of deceit” could be accurately applied to the Bush administration for its...

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