
  • Victory! France scraps anti-labor law

    Victory! France scraps anti-labor law

    April 14, 2006

    French President Jacques Chirac bowed April 10 to the pressure of millions of students and workers marching across France and withdrew a hated law granting employers the right to fire a young worker at will for...

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  • Injuries lead nurses to quit. Union launches drive for state regs

    Injuries lead nurses to quit. Union launches drive for state regs

    April 7, 2006

    Saying huge numbers of on-the-job injuries from lifting and turning patients causes ever-increasing legions of nurses to quit, American Federation of Teachers’ nurses division launched a drive for state legislation mandating that hospitals install devices to...

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  • Labor law reform in France

    Labor law reform in France

    April 7, 2006

    More than a million people in France have taken to the streets against their conservative government’s attempts to change the country’s labor law. According to the conventional wisdom here in the United States, “Old Europe” is...

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  • Sago survivor home, mine safety battle continues

    Sago survivor home, mine safety battle continues

    April 7, 2006

    PITTSBURGH — Randall McCloy, 26, thin and weak, sat inside his Simpson, W.Va., home with his wife and two children for the first time in two months. McCloy survived the worst West Virginia mining disaster in...

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  • 1911 fire shows perils of no regulation

    1911 fire shows perils of no regulation

    March 31, 2006

    It has become fashionable in certain circles to say that unions and government regulations are unnecessary nuisances, sand in the gears of the economy. The invisible hand of capitalism would take care of all our problems,...

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