
  • Frankenstein directive passes European Union Parliament

    Frankenstein directive passes European Union Parliament

    February 24, 2006

    The “Directive on Services in the Internal Market,” otherwise known as the Bolkestein Directive, passed in a European Parliament vote Feb. 16. Despite mass protest and mobilizations by trade unions and grassroots organizations, the European Union...

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  • Berkeley Honda strikers standing strong

    Berkeley Honda strikers standing strong

    February 24, 2006

    BERKELEY, Calif. — Nat Courtney’s father had worked for the father of longtime Honda dealership owner Jim Doten. The Doten family, he said, had treated the workers with respect. So Courtney, who started there in 1974...

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  • Guest worker programs: problems and remedies

    Guest worker programs: problems and remedies

    February 24, 2006

    In early March the Senate Judiciary Committee will take up “immigration reform.” Chairman Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) issued an outline of the items he wants considered. These include immigration control and a guest worker program. Legalization for...

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  • Hotel workers rise up

    Hotel workers rise up

    February 24, 2006

    SAN FRANCISCO — The Renaissance Parc 55 Hotel was awash in bright red T-shirts Feb. 15 as over 2,200 hotel workers and their supporters gathered to launch a national campaign for good wages and benefits, including...

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  • UPWA: Pioneers in African American history

    UPWA: Pioneers in African American history

    February 17, 2006

    Leaders of the United Packinghouse Workers of America marched in support of striking Memphis sanitation workers in April 1968, just before the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King there April 4. From left, Russell R. Lasley,...

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