
  • Congress abandons millions of jobless

    Congress abandons millions of jobless

    February 27, 2004

    HAMDEN, Conn. – While the White House backed off empty job creation claims last week, machinists, teamsters, building trades, and municipal workers crowded into the Job Center here, angry at the failure of the Republican-controlled Congress...

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  • Labor working to take back Ohio

    Labor working to take back Ohio

    February 26, 2004

    CLEVELAND – On Dec. 9, 1,500 union activists packed the Columbus, Ohio, Veterans Memorial Hall for a “Take Back Ohio/Labor 2004” conference. Energized and determined, they headed home filled with the crusading spirit sweeping the country...

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  • Philly shows brotherly love to grocery strikers

    Philly shows brotherly love to grocery strikers

    February 20, 2004

    PHILADELPHIA – At a Feb. 12 rally at a local Acme supermarket, union and community members had a strong message for shoppers here: “Don’t shop at Acme.” Pointing at the store, Pat Eiding, president of the...

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  • Grocery workers win lawmakers backing

    Grocery workers win lawmakers backing

    February 19, 2004

    LOS ANGELES – If Safeway and its CEO Steve Burd have their way, the 21st century will have conditions more like the 19th century for working families, said Connie Leyva, president of Local 1428 of the...

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  • Industrial union for rail workers

    Industrial union for rail workers

    February 19, 2004

    Workers’ Correspondence Jan. 1, 2004, was a historic date for railroad unionism but was little noticed outside the industry. The Teamsters and the oldest of the rail craft unions, the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, merged. The...

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