
  • Wal-Mart campaign tops UFCW agenda

    Wal-Mart campaign tops UFCW agenda

    August 15, 2003

    Organizing Wal-Mart, dealing with the crisis in U.S. health care, and defeating George Bush in 2004 were recurring themes in the international convention of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW) held in San Francisco...

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  • Labor revs-up to show Bush the door in 2004

    Labor revs-up to show Bush the door in 2004

    August 8, 2003

    CHICAGO – The one candidate who wasn’t there and wasn’t expected was the focus of the AFL-CIO’s National Candidates Forum Aug. 5. “Show him the door in 2004!” was the message for George W. Bush, the...

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  • Rally at Cintas supports workers rights

    Rally at Cintas supports workers rights

    August 7, 2003

    BRANFORD, Conn. – Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro often speaks about growing up when her mother worked in a sweatshop, bent over her sewing machine. But on July 29, standing on the platform of the Teamsters’ truck outside...

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  • Texas unionists join Season of Struggle

    Texas unionists join Season of Struggle

    August 7, 2003

    AUSTIN, Texas – About 50 Texas trade unionists, fed up with pay cuts, give backs, and concessions, came to a Jobs with Justice workshop at the recently concluded state AFL-CIO convention to make plans for the...

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  • Auto talks and the Medicare drug bill

    Auto talks and the Medicare drug bill

    August 1, 2003

    DETROIT – Union leaders, rank-and-file members and retirees have pledged to hold the line on the health care issue during this summer’s contract talks with the Big Three auto companies and related parts suppliers. A recently...

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