
  • Building community the union way

    Building community the union way

    July 11, 2003

    How do you fight diabetes by kissing a pig? Midge Collette, the president of Amalgamated United Auto Workers Local 292 in Kokomo, Ind., knows. After the members of her union, who build auto parts at the...

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  • Day laborers fight for justice

    Day laborers fight for justice

    July 11, 2003

    CHICAGO – The Workers’ Center was up in two hours. The work was done July 2 by about 25 Latino immigrant day laborers who took up a collection, bought some two-by-fours and plywood, and nailed them...

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  • Unemployment up, Black youth hardest hit

    Unemployment up, Black youth hardest hit

    July 11, 2003

    Nothing in the June unemployment report – unemployment up 0.3 percent to 6.4 percent with 11 million workers either unemployed, forced to work part-time or too “discouraged” to look for non-existent jobs, and two million workers...

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  • Union solidarity gets the job done!

    Union solidarity gets the job done!

    July 4, 2003

    Workers’ correspondence Creative tactics on the part of 360 workers at Johanna Foods’ Flemington, N.J., plant, overcame a “take it or leave it” proposal by company president Robert Fascina that included a new 50 percent co-pay...

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  • Lorenzo and Anita Torrez honored at CPUSA meeting

    Lorenzo and Anita Torrez honored at CPUSA meeting

    July 4, 2003

    In an emotional program that frequently brought audience members to their feet and provoked shouts of “Si, se puede!”, Anita and Lorenzo Torrez, two participants in the historic filming of Salt of the Earth, were honored...

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