
  • Perus teachers spark nationwide struggle

    Perus teachers spark nationwide struggle

    June 12, 2003

    Despite having reached a tentative agreement, Nilvar Lopez, general secretary of the Peruvian teachers union (SUTEP), said a nationwide strike will continue until the union ratifies the new collective bargaining agreement. Minister of Education Gerardo Ayzanoa...

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  • Memorial desecrated

    Memorial desecrated

    June 12, 2003 By Dennis DeMaio

    Ludlow, Colo. – One of organized labor’s most sacred and cherished shrines, the Ludlow Memorial, was desecrated on or shortly after the evening of May 7. Vandals cut through solid granite and marble to sever the...

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  • Black telephone workers fight for MLK holiday

    Black telephone workers fight for MLK holiday

    June 6, 2003

    NEWARK, N.J. – Black telephone workers at Verizon are continuing their fight to force the company to make Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday a paid holiday. Although Dr. King’s birthday was won as a federal...

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  • Millions strike against privatization in India

    Millions strike against privatization in India

    June 6, 2003

    NEW DELHI, India – A one-day general strike brought many states to a virtual halt here. Up to 50 million workers participated in what trade union leaders called one of the “biggest strike[s] witnessed since Independence,”...

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  • Student fast wins workers rights

    Student fast wins workers rights

    June 6, 2003

    Six Stanford students ended a seven-day fast June 4 and celebrated victory in their campaign to win better conditions and more respect for university workers. The fasters had been supported by nearly 300 “solidarity fasters” and...

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