
  • Cleveland fights for healthcare

    Cleveland fights for healthcare

    May 9, 2003

    CLEVELAND – The battle for affordable healthcare was the central theme of this year’s May Day event here, where, for the second year in a row, the Cleveland AFL-CIO officially observed this historic working-class holiday. For...

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  • D.C. rallies for immigrant rights

    D.C. rallies for immigrant rights

    May 9, 2003

    WASHINGTON – Immigrant workers observed May Day with a Capitol Hill rally to demand that Congress grant legal residency to 8.5 million undocumented workers by passing the FREEDOM Act. They then moved downtown to a “Justice...

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  • Protests block doomsday budget

    Protests block doomsday budget

    May 9, 2003

    NEW YORK — It looks like this city and state will be spared the worst of the “doomsday” budget crisis, thanks to the continued fightback of unions and community organizations, but the struggle goes on. “Now’s...

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  • Jobless rate climbs to nine-year high

    Jobless rate climbs to nine-year high

    May 9, 2003 By Fred Gaboury

    EAST CHICAGO, Ill. – Bruce Gaddy is single. Tony McIntosh is married and has two children. Both live in this working-class suburb, 25 miles south of downtown Chicago. And both are unemployed: Gaddy because his plant...

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  • Fighting mad New Yorkers work to stop doomsday budget

    Fighting mad New Yorkers work to stop doomsday budget

    May 7, 2003

    People are angry in New York City – and they have a right to be angry. Every day massive cuts in local and state spending appear more and more imminent. At the state level, revenues are...

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