
  • Ironworkers ring doorbells against recall

    Ironworkers ring doorbells against recall

    August 29, 2003

    SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Ironworker Ray Trujillo is on a mission: to reach every union family in California and convince them to vote “no” on the recall of Gov. Gray Davis Oct. 7. An outgoing and energetic...

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  • Miamians protest detention of Haitians

    Miamians protest detention of Haitians

    August 29, 2003

    The Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride is going to put the unfair treatment of Haitian asylum-seekers on the national agenda, said Winie Cantave, co-director of the Miami-based Unite for Dignity. According to Cantave, hundreds of Haitian refugees,...

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  • Cintas workers protest poverty wages

    Cintas workers protest poverty wages

    August 29, 2003

    DETROIT – “We want a living wage!” shouted 100 people conducting an informational picket line and rally at the Cintas industrial laundry plant here July 31. The line included workers from the plant, members of United...

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  • Total Recall

    Total Recall

    August 29, 2003

    Workers’ correspondence Sitting at breakfast with a couple of union buddies, talking about the California recall, we recalled defeating the 1998 effort to gag labor’s voice in our state known as Prop. 226. “It was right-wing...

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  • Auto workers say open the books

    Auto workers say open the books

    August 15, 2003

    DETROIT – As the U.S. economy lurches toward the end of its third year of recession, workers everywhere are struggling to keep ends together, autoworkers no less than anyone else. Contract talks between the United Auto...

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