
  • Union fights to keep City Cinema jobs

    Union fights to keep City Cinema jobs

    January 7, 2003

    NEW YORK – Just blocks from Times Square and minutes from half a dozen theaters, the members of the International Alliance of Theatrical and Stage Employees (IATSE) Local 306 are at a cross-roads with City Cinemas...

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  • The Grinch who stole the dial tone

    The Grinch who stole the dial tone

    January 7, 2003

    CHICAGO – The Grinch who stole Christmas may be making off with your dial tone, according to telephone workers protesting layoffs at a lively demonstration here, Dec. 15. Santa Claus, backed up by 1,000 phone technicians,...

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  • Protesters demand equal opportunity

    Protesters demand equal opportunity

    January 7, 2003

    PHILADELPHIA – Nearly 40 angry protesters attended a City Council meeting here Dec. 12 to demand inclusion of African Americans, Latinos and women in public works construction projects. Seeing that they were not going to be...

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  • A New Years message from the World Federationof Trade Unions

    A New Years message from the World Federationof Trade Unions

    January 7, 2003 By Evelina Alarcon

    As a New Year dawns the World Federation of Trade Unions conveys Its good wishes and solidarity greetings to working people the world over, their trade unions and all the men, women and children of our...

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  • Auto workers elect new leader

    Auto workers elect new leader

    June 7, 2002 By Fred Gaboury

    In his final State of the Union address, outgoing United Auto Workers (UAW) President Stephen P. Yokich called on UAW members to get actively involved in union organizing campaigns and political action and to build on...

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