
  • Sugar workers win strike victory

    Sugar workers win strike victory

    January 30, 2003

    BALTIMORE – Domino Sugar workers voted overwhelmingly, Jan. 11 to ratify a new three-year contract, crowning with victory their 35-day strike at the refinery in the inner harbor here. It was the first strike at the...

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  • Martin Luther King, Jr. day in Jackson, Miss.

    Martin Luther King, Jr. day in Jackson, Miss.

    January 24, 2003

    JACKSON, Miss. – The annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day march here received an infusion of energy when more than 100 participants from the AFL-CIO Martin Luther King Holiday Conference joined the parade. Linda Chavez-Thompson, AFL-CIO...

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  • AFL-CIO King holiday observance: Rep. challenges Lott to stand for affirmative action

    AFL-CIO King holiday observance: Rep. challenges Lott to stand for affirmative action

    January 24, 2003

    JACKSON, Miss. – Gathered here for the AFL-CIO’s Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Observance, over 200 union leaders and members heard Mississippi Rep. Bennie Thompson condemn George Bush’s most recent attack on affirmative action. The Bush...

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  • Police car hits and kills GE striker

    Police car hits and kills GE striker

    January 24, 2003

    LOUISVILLE, Ky. (PAI) – Kjeston M. Rogers, a working single mother of three teenagers and activist for International Union of Electronic Workers/CWA Local 761 at General Electric’s Louisville appliance park, was hit and killed by a...

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  • Longshore union wins victory for all labor

    Longshore union wins victory for all labor

    January 23, 2003 By Evelina Alarcon

    Commentary The International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) membership approved this week their contract by a vote of nearly 90 percent. This culminated a life and death battle into one of the most significant labor victories...

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