Letters to the Editor
Vote Green
October 31, 2016Voters have spoken out to enable the Green Party to get on the ballot in over 30 states, while seeking status in 15 others.
Read moreLetter to the Editor: Puzzled by the Robert Reich debate
September 8, 2016"I am frankly puzzled by a recent op-ed piece that appeared in People's World."
Read moreLong time, no hear – letters to the editor
June 16, 2010A collection of good old fashioned letters to the editor. Since our move online, most "letters" come in the form of comments. But we still receive via post and e-mail letters to the editor, which we...
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August 14, 2009Thanks from an autoworker I want to thank John Rummel for his article about the letter sent to President Obama by 50 autoworkers, retirees and supporters calling for the rapid “green” conversion of shuttered auto plants...
Read moreLETTERS Change comes to PWW, Sudoku not necessary, Good question
July 24, 2009Re: change comes to PWW Is there a better paper than the People’s Weekly World? Is there a better group of journalists than PWW writers? A better source for news analysis, commentary, features, opinion pieces? Is...
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