
  • Hearing spotlights plight of African immigrants

    Hearing spotlights plight of African immigrants

    June 30, 2006 By Joseph Hancock

    LOS ANGELES — A standing room only crowd came out June 25 to discuss how the immigration issue affects the African American community.

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  • Fight to defend undocumented youth

    Fight to defend undocumented youth

    June 30, 2006

    BOSTON — Mario Rodas graduated from Chelsea High School last year with honors and hoped to go to college to study computer science. But that was not to happen for the 19-year-old Guatemalan youth. Immigration and...

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  • Congress rejects minimum wage hike

    Congress rejects minimum wage hike

    June 30, 2006

    WASHINGTON — The House and Senate refusal to approve a small increase in the minimum wage proves that the Republican majority is “morally bankrupt” and should be removed from office next Nov. 7. So said AFL-CIO...

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  • Thousands march at World Peace Forum

    Thousands march at World Peace Forum

    June 30, 2006

    VANCOUVER, British Columbia — With over 4,000 international delegates from some 90 countries and the participation of thousands more from across Canada, the World Peace Forum 2006 opened here June 23. Dozens of panels, concerts, workshops...

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  • Sham pullout plan called election ploy

    Sham pullout plan called election ploy

    June 30, 2006 By Susan Webb

    The pressure of antiwar public opinion going into the fall congressional elections was clear last week as Republican strategists tried to sidetrack Iraq withdrawal calls by newly emboldened Democrats.

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