
  • Detroit janitors fight for union wages, benefits

    Detroit janitors fight for union wages, benefits

    June 23, 2006

    DETROIT — On June 15, national Justice for Janitors day, several hundred Detroit area janitors, members of Service Employees International Union Local 3, marched to the new downtown PricewaterhouseCoopers building to send notice to New Image,...

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  • Attacks on reproductive rights spread to 14 states

    Attacks on reproductive rights spread to 14 states

    June 23, 2006

    On June 13 in Columbus, Ohio, pro-choice advocates made their case to Ohio lawmakers who are considering a ban on all abortions in that state. Addressing the absence of exceptions allowing for victims of rape to...

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  • For green jobs: Time for an oil change in America

    For green jobs: Time for an oil change in America

    June 23, 2006

    WASHINGTON — When Exxon Mobil reported 2006 first quarter profits of $8.4 billion, it put the energy giant on track to outstrip its record $36 billion profits in 2005. Last week’s “Take Back America” conference here...

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  • Congress Hotel strike alive and well

    Congress Hotel strike alive and well

    June 23, 2006

    CHICAGO — Three years to the day since workers at the downtown Congress Hotel went on strike, the strikers and their union, Unite Here Local 1, joined leaders of the city’s religious, labor and community groups...

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  • A resource in the fight for single-payer health care

    A resource in the fight for single-payer health care

    June 23, 2006

    Just what is The United States National Health Insurance Act, HR 676, introduced into Congress by Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.)? The brief answer is that it is a proposed law in Congress to extend enhanced “Medicare...

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