
  • EDITORIAL: Keep the pressure on

    EDITORIAL: Keep the pressure on

    June 2, 2006

    In 2004 Bush announced his immigration program, calling for increased enforcement and a temporary worker program. In November 2005 he again called for such legislation with a stronger emphasis on enforcement. In December, when the House...

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  • EDITORIAL: Honoring all the war dead

    EDITORIAL: Honoring all the war dead

    June 2, 2006

    Two grim reminders of war’s toll on innocent civilians marked Memorial Day weekend this year. In Iraq, details continued to emerge about the November 2005 tragedy at Haditha, where after a Marine was killed by a...

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  • Ruin, rubble and race: Lessons on centennial of the Great San Francisco Earthquake & Fire of 1906

    Ruin, rubble and race: Lessons on centennial of the Great San Francisco Earthquake & Fire of 1906

    June 2, 2006

    It’s as if the spotlight that Hurricane Katrina cast on the inequities of disaster relief never happened. San Francisco’s high and mighty are in full-throated self-celebration of the city’s “rising from the ashes” of the April...

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  • UN panel condemns U.S. torture

    UN panel condemns U.S. torture

    June 2, 2006

    The United Nations Committee Against Torture has asked the U.S. to shut down the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, detention facility where prisoners are being held in hellish conditions without recourse to legal counsel or trial. At hearings...

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  • National union conventions take up single-payer health care

    National union conventions take up single-payer health care

    June 2, 2006

    The 33rd Constitutional Convention of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union has gone on record urging Congress to enact HR 676, a bill introduced by Reps. John Conyers (D-Mich.) and Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) to implement a...

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