
  • Peace March: Largest Labor Contingent Ever?

    Peace March: Largest Labor Contingent Ever?

    May 1, 2006

    It was a jubilant festival of resistance that spilled down Broadway on Saturday, as anti-war marchers once again pulled out the stops with colorful costumes and chants to demand an immediate withdrawal of U.S. forces from...

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  • Southern labor stirs in North Carolina, again

    Southern labor stirs in North Carolina, again

    April 29, 2006

    Red Springs, N.C. — North Carolina is one of the most industrialized states in the country. Yet it still has one of the lowest percentages of workers in unions, though not from lack of trying by...

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  • We can end this war!

    We can end this war!

    April 29, 2006

    To end the war and occupation in Iraq, the peace movement must continue to press Congress to bring the troops home and support every effort to move them to act. Congressional Democrats under pressure from the...

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    April 29, 2006

    Peaceful protesters picket perfectly Probably around last week I picked up the April 8-14 issue of People’s Weekly World in order to find an article for my Community Studies class. We were writing about activism in...

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  • Postpone drug plan deadline!

    Postpone drug plan deadline!

    April 29, 2006

    WASHINGTON (PAI) — The same labor-backed coalition that last year helped successfully derail GOP President George W. Bush’s Social Security privatization scheme has launched a campaign to get lawmakers to postpone the May 15 deadline seniors...

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