
  • Wave of voter outrage could swamp Republicans

    Wave of voter outrage could swamp Republicans

    February 24, 2006 By Susan Webb

    Tim Burga of the Ohio AFL-CIO says “there’s a real mood for change” in his state. Noting the impact of deaths of Ohio soldiers in Iraq, the loss of manufacturing jobs and national and local corruption...

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  • UnionFacts from corporate hacks?

    UnionFacts from corporate hacks?

    February 24, 2006

    Little Red Riding Hood knew to stay clear of the Big Bad Wolf. To get close enough to gobble her up, the wolf had to dress up in Red’s grandmother’s clothes.

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  • Cardinal calls for immigrant rights

    Cardinal calls for immigrant rights

    February 17, 2006

    LOS ANGELES — A leading member of the Catholic Church has condemned a congressional resolution that, he said, further victimizes immigrants. He also took the occasion to initiate a campaign for immigrant rights.

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  • U.S. allegations thwart six-party talks

    U.S. allegations thwart six-party talks

    February 17, 2006

    While the Sept. 19 round of the six-party talks aimed at resolving the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula ended successfully after the U.S. government agreed on paper to respect the sovereignty of the Democratic People’s...

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  • The Feminine Mystique of Betty Friedan

    The Feminine Mystique of Betty Friedan

    February 17, 2006

    Betty Friedan, known as the mother of modern feminism, said she was once characterized as “more of a threat to the United States than the Russians.” Friedan died of congestive heart failure on her 85th birthday,...

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