
  • Letters


    January 13, 2006

    Free the Cuban 5 Next month’s court hearing on the case of the Cuban Five should draw attention from all organizations that support workers’ civil, human, legal and political rights. One principle of international law —...

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  • Sharons stroke raises big question marks

    Sharons stroke raises big question marks

    January 13, 2006

    Commentary Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon suffered a cerebral hemorrhage Jan. 4, resulting in a severe stroke. Paramedics rushed Sharon from his ranch in the Negev Desert to a Jerusalem hospital for life-saving surgery. Three operations...

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  • Victims Son: W. Va. Miners Afraid To Speak Out About Safety Problems

    Victims Son: W. Va. Miners Afraid To Speak Out About Safety Problems

    January 11, 2006 By Workday Minnesota And Press Associates Inc.

    Workers at the non-union Sago mine knew the facility was unsafe, but were afraid to speak out, according to the son of one of 12 miners killed in the underground explosive accident there on Jan. 3

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  • Letters


    January 6, 2006

    ‘For the union makes us strong’ In the glow of the transit strike here, this is a quote I came across: “Whatever the problem, your efforts will be crowned with success only if your union is...

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  • Editorial: A corrupt autocracy

    Editorial: A corrupt autocracy

    January 6, 2006

    George W. Bush promised to restore “honor and integrity” to our nation’s capital. But Jack Abramoff’s guilty plea on bribery charges has sent dozens of politicians in Washington scurrying like rats for holes to hide in....

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