
  • Battle rages vs. budget cuts

    Battle rages vs. budget cuts

    December 2, 2005

    300,000 each month to lose food stamps under GOP scrooge plan WASHINGTON — The Coalition on Human Needs (CHN) denounced as a “spectacle of greed” a House vote Nov. 18 to approve $50 billion in cutbacks...

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  • ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ could get military off your campus!

    ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ could get military off your campus!

    December 2, 2005

    December 6, Don't Ask/Don't Tell Day of Action. Do you know about the Solomon Amendment? It is the legislation that mandates that colleges will LOSE their funding if military recruiters are not allowed full access to...

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  • GOP opposes ‘illegal immigration.’  An online exchange.

    GOP opposes ‘illegal immigration.’ An online exchange.

    November 24, 2005

    I recently had an opportunity to read your article titled “Virginia gubernatorial race heats up” (by Emile Schepers) printed as an Online Extra in the Oct. 19 edition of the People’s Weekly World newspaper. In the...

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  • AFL-CIO clears way for solidarity charters

    AFL-CIO clears way for solidarity charters

    November 24, 2005

    WASHINGTON — Some details remain to be settled, but the AFL-CIO announced Nov. 16 that it will begin issuing “solidarity charters” to locals whose international unions recently disaffiliated from the AFL-CIO and joined the Change to...

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  • Students tell Army recruiters: I am not your soldier

    Students tell Army recruiters: I am not your soldier

    November 24, 2005

    Youth and students stood up to military recruitment and the war in Iraq, Nov. 17. The Not Your Soldier Project and the National Youth and Student Peace Coalition organized the national day of action held on...

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