
  • Union women call for unity

    Union women call for unity

    September 23, 2005

    Over 500 union women activists and many brother unionists adopted an action plan for the fight for women’s rights. They met at the national convention of the Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) in Detroit on...

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  • Time for an Iraq exit strategy

    Time for an Iraq exit strategy

    September 23, 2005

    At Capitol Hill hearing, talk is not ‘if’ but ‘how’ WASHINGTON — With thousands of people across the nation protesting the Iraq war, Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.) convened a Capitol Hill hearing Sept. 15 to air...

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  • Calif. gov. to veto same-sex marriage

    Calif. gov. to veto same-sex marriage

    September 16, 2005

    Within a day after the California Legislature approved a bill legalizing same sex marriage, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said last week that while he respects the legal protections already in place in California for gays, he would...

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  • Letters


    September 16, 2005

    Union-powered solidarity The enormous Astrodome is home for thousands of Louisiana refugees, and many churches, civic centers, various shelters, even motels, hotels and apartment centers are providing safe havens also. Many generous folks are taking these...

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  • Editorial: Respect Venezuela

    Editorial: Respect Venezuela

    September 16, 2005

    Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez charged Sept. 13 that the Bush administration was trying to interfere with his participation in the UN’s 60th Anniversary Summit session by denying visas to his security and medical teams. Referring to...

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