
  • Venezuela Matters

    Venezuela Matters

    September 2, 2005

    CHICAGO — During an Aug. 24 press conference with the Rev. Jesse Jackson, who denounced televangelist Pat Robertson’s call for Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’s assassination, the consul general of Venezuela, Martin Sanchez, announced a multimedia cultural...

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  • Letters


    September 2, 2005

    Wrong from the start Cindy Sheehan is trying to show that the Bush war on Iraq is wrong, and was wrong from the start. This war has absolutely nothing at all to do with American freedom...

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  • Editorial: Labor Day 2005

    Editorial: Labor Day 2005

    September 2, 2005

    Labor Day 2005 Asked in June to take the pulse of his members, neighbors and friends, Ohio autoworker union leader Lloyd McHaffrey replied, “Everybody’s uneasy.” On Labor Day weekend, that mood has shifted from unease to...

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  • Librarians protest Patriot Act

    Librarians protest Patriot Act

    September 2, 2005

    Commentary A lawsuit filed by an unnamed member of the American Library Association in Connecticut brings out in the open the Bush administration’s efforts to monitor our reading habits under the USA Patriot Act. The suit...

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  • Labor Update

    Labor Update

    September 2, 2005

    Service workers of the world unite! CHICAGO — Fifteen hundred unionists from 140 countries gathered here Aug. 22-25 to advance plans to increase workers’ power through global solidarity. The second world congress of UNI, Union Network...

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