We thought it was oil, But it was blood
April 14, 2006The other day We danced in the street Joy in our hearts We thought we were free Three young folks fell to our right Countless more fell to our left Looking up, Far from the crowd...
Read moreWas Barry Bonds targeted?
April 14, 2006Of all the bulked-up major league baseball players suspected of using steroids in the mid-to-late 1990s, how is it that Barry Bonds, baseball’s pre-eminent Black player, came to be Target No. 1 of federal investigators? Is...
Read moreWomens inequality makes capitalists rich
April 14, 2006This article is from a talk given at a Women’s History Month event on the fight against male supremacy, held March 9 at Unity Center in Chicago. Another presentation at the event, “Male supremacy is not...
Read moreNot this time rape, race and class at Duke
April 14, 2006The great unspoken now has public voice. Women rarely report sexual assault, rape. When the victim is African American, the silence is deafening. That is about to change. ESPN and CBS put the Duke University lacrosse...
Read moreLETTERS
April 14, 2006Fraud & insurance companies Worker compensation insurance companies charge high premiums and do not want to take care of a truly injured worker. They would rather pay out tens of thousands of dollars to attorneys to...
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