
  • Arizona: students protest campus racism

    Arizona: students protest campus racism

    October 22, 2004

    PHOENIX — Students at Glendale Community College (GCC) marched against continuing racism in the Maricopa County community college system Oct. 12. The demonstration, which attracted about 150 people, was in reaction to the GCC administration ignoring...

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  • Elderly vent anger over flu shot crisis

    Elderly vent anger over flu shot crisis

    October 22, 2004 By Mike Giocondo

    CHICAGO — “I can’t believe that seniors citizens have got to go through this mess,” Anna said to me as we stood in line for a flu shot early Monday morning out side the Atlas Center...

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  • Letters


    October 15, 2004

    Writer needs help I’m a writer conducting research on the 1951 execution of Willie McGee in Laurel, Mississippi. I’m eager to hear from anyone who was involved in the case, has memories of it, or knows...

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  • Editorials


    October 15, 2004

    Credibility gulch Some folks speculate that the mysterious bumps showing under the back of President Bush’s jacket during the first two debates were actually audio devices feeding debate lines to Bush. The White House says they...

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  • Cost of Iraq war: More than we can bear

    Cost of Iraq war: More than we can bear

    October 15, 2004

    WASHINGTON — Oceans of red ink. Oceans of blood. Those grim phrases could be a subtitle of a just-released report on the soaring costs of the Iraq war. The document debunks George W. Bush’s claims that...

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