
  • Editorials


    August 13, 2004

    Bloody quagmire The June “handover of power” to an interim Iraqi government has not stopped the bloodshed. The count of U.S. soldiers killed in George W. Bush’s Iraq debacle is heading toward the 1,000 mark. Bush...

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  • Dump Bush movement says we can do it

    Dump Bush movement says we can do it

    August 13, 2004

    BOSTON — John Kerry and John Edwards left the Democratic National Con-vention July 29 to barnstorm across the country, buoyed by ringing calls both inside and outside the convention for George W. Bush’s defeat as a...

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  • Texas crime lab crimes

    Texas crime lab crimes

    August 13, 2004

    HOUSTON — Nanon Williams was arrested here in 1992 when he was 17 years old for the crime of capital murder. He was sentenced to death in 1995. He is on death row today because of...

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  • Talbert Trailer workers march for justice

    Talbert Trailer workers march for justice

    August 13, 2004

    Rensselaer, Ind. — “Hands off our health care!” and “No justice, no peace,” echoed through the streets here July 31 as hundreds of steelworkers marched to protest the lockout of the Talbert Trailer workers. Talbert workers...

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  • Minimum wage outrage

    Minimum wage outrage

    August 13, 2004 By Art Perlo

    The federal minimum legal wage is $5.15 per hour. That stinks! A full-time, minimum wage worker receives only $10,300 per year before taxes. By the end of this year, the value of the minimum wage will...

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