
  • Payments to Black farmers blocked by U.S.

    Payments to Black farmers blocked by U.S.

    August 1, 2004

    Aggressive legal tactics by the Bush administration have deliberately undermined a landmark 1997 civil rights settlement with African American farmers, turning the claims process into another chapter in a long history of discriminatory treatment by the...

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  • Antonio Gades dies

    Antonio Gades dies

    August 1, 2004

    Recognized as the greatest Spanish male dancer of his generation and an even greater choreographer, Antonio Gades died of cancer in Madrid on July 20. He was 67. Gades’ father, a building worker and communist, left...

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  • Letters


    August 1, 2004

    Uptown youth Recently the Uptown Club of the Young Communist League went to the Catskill Mountains for the 2nd Uptown Ideological Retreat. It was a great success. Leaders from the Communist Party led the classes for...

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  • Editorials


    August 1, 2004

    Not another Hiroshima “There were children screaming ‘It’s hot, it’s hot!’ and infants crying over the body of their mother who appeared to be already dead. I tried to pull myself together … but when I...

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  • Cervix removed? Still need PAP test

    Cervix removed? Still need PAP test

    August 1, 2004

    There are reports popping up in the medical literature regarding the use of the Papanicolaou smear (PAP test) and its uselessness in women who have had their cervices removed. This has been debated from time to...

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