
  • Reinvest in America: Dump Bush in 2004

    Reinvest in America: Dump Bush in 2004

    June 11, 2004

    News Analysis PITTSBURGH – Revivals uplift the heart and soberly prepare the head for Monday morning. Hundreds of coal miners, steelworkers, public employees, auto workers, teachers, neighborhood leaders and families filled the United Steelworkers of America...

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  • White House put itself above the law

    White House put itself above the law

    June 11, 2004 By Susan Webb

    Staff Sgt. Camilo Mejia is sitting in an Army brig at Ft. Sill, Okla., because he rejected the torture and brutality carried out by U.S. occupation forces in Iraq. Mejia served eight years in the Army...

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  • Support our troops: bring them home now!

    Support our troops: bring them home now!

    June 11, 2004 By Marilyn Bechtel

    Events on both coasts last week reflected the worry growing throughout the country about the impact on soldiers and their families of ever-lengthening deployments in Iraq and Kuwait.

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  • Workers confront Visteon violence

    Workers confront Visteon violence

    June 11, 2004

    BEDFORD, Ind. – To workers on the mass picket line at the Visteon auto parts plant here, it seems like the company, a Ford spin-off, has planned long and hard to systematically slash their wages and...

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  • Vernon Jarrett: a partisan journalistic giant

    Vernon Jarrett: a partisan journalistic giant

    June 4, 2004

    Opinion Readers like me can be extremely selective of the journalists we read habitually. We do not have to agree with every word or be humored by diversionary jokes and meaningless anecdotes. We want simplicity that...

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