
  • Message to Mom: Time to buy a new ironing board

    Message to Mom: Time to buy a new ironing board

    April 23, 2004

    With great ceremony, my mother threw her iron away one afternoon in June 1972. After 20 years of night classes and four children, she had proudly graduated from college that morning. To be honest, the appliance...

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  • Sharon-Bush plan inflames Mideast conflict

    Sharon-Bush plan inflames Mideast conflict

    April 23, 2004

    President Bush’s endorsement of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s “disengagement” plan, coupled with the Sharon government’s assassination of two leaders of the Hamas movement in Gaza, has inflamed tensions in the Middle East and jeopardized prospects...

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  • Its about control

    Its about control

    April 23, 2004

    Con·trol – power or authority to guide or manage. When it comes down to it, so many issues in life orbit around this single word and subsequent questions like – who controls what?

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  • Is birth control next?

    Is birth control next?

    April 23, 2004

    “The lady came over to the window and said, ‘I’m so sorry I’m not going to be able to fill your prescription.’ I said, ‘Is there something wrong with the prescription?’ And she said, ‘No, I...

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  • Soldiers mom reveals Iraq nightmare

    Soldiers mom reveals Iraq nightmare

    April 23, 2004 By Susan Webb

    Mother’s Day has a bitter twist for Pat Gunn. Her son, Army Specialist Jason Gunn, was sent to Iraq on Mother’s Day 2003. He sustained horrifying injuries in an explosion there last November, and a military...

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