
  • GOP 2000 convention protesters acquitted

    GOP 2000 convention protesters acquitted

    April 16, 2004

    With just four months before the next Republican National Convention in New York City, a Philadelphia judge acquitted the last three activists arrested at the 2000 GOP convention. Judge William Mazzola found Camilo Viveiros, Eric Steinberg...

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  • Hire the best, say Ohio trade unionists

    Hire the best, say Ohio trade unionists

    April 16, 2004

    CLEVELAND – Hundreds of members of Ohio’s building trades unions will be telling the Ohio School Facilities Commission in Columbus April 22 to “Hire the Best!” by not taking the lowest and worst contract bids. At...

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  • MLKs antiwar stance saluted

    MLKs antiwar stance saluted

    April 16, 2004

    NEW YORK – On April 4, 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made his famous speech in Riverside Church here connecting U.S. aggression in Vietnam with the civil rights movement at home. Exactly 37 years later...

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  • Jail begins for SOA protesters

    Jail begins for SOA protesters

    April 16, 2004

    SACRAMENTO, Calif. – “I still believe, even after being degraded, yelled at, groped and shackled in chains, that each American can make a difference. We can close this school for terrorists.” So said Leisa Faulkner Barnes,...

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  • Home health care workers seek justice

    Home health care workers seek justice

    April 16, 2004

    NEW YORK – Though they care for the sick, injured and elderly, thousands of home health aides here don’t have any health insurance themselves. They are among the almost 2 million New Yorkers who are uninsured....

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