
  • Congressional hypocrisy on medical care

    Congressional hypocrisy on medical care

    April 15, 2005

    People’s Health As an emergency physician and former governor, I am struck by the towering contradictions — and indeed the hypocrisy — in the controversy over the tragic plight of Terri Schiavo. On the same day...

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  • Mary Pullins: Steel union pioneer

    Mary Pullins: Steel union pioneer

    April 15, 2005

    Pages from workers’ lives The steelworkers’ retiree meeting sprung to attention when Mary Pullins walked in. Veteran of 24 years at US Steel and only 103 years old, she walked with sure steps to the speaker’s...

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  • Labor, immigrant rights groups oppose Real ID Act

    Labor, immigrant rights groups oppose Real ID Act

    April 15, 2005

    Labor and immigrant rights organizations assembled at San Jose’s State Building April 7 to kick off national days of action against the Bush administration’s virulently anti-immigrant Real ID Act, now pending in the Senate. They urged...

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  • Nine states sue U.S. on mercury rules

    Nine states sue U.S. on mercury rules

    April 8, 2005

    In a backlash against what environmentalists call “disastrous” new mercury regulations issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), nine states filed a lawsuit March 29 against the federal government, saying the rules violate the Clean Air...

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  • L.A. labor challenges county board

    L.A. labor challenges county board

    April 8, 2005

    News Analysis LOS ANGELES — The Los Angeles area labor movement, spearheaded by the 800,000-member Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, is turning its attention to reversing the anti-worker trend of the powerful Los Angeles County...

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