
  • Ishmael Flory, fighter for equality, 96

    Ishmael Flory, fighter for equality, 96

    February 20, 2004

    Ishmael Flory, veteran trade union organizer, activist in the African American freedom movement, and a longtime leader of the Communist Party in Illinois, died Feb. 4 in Chicago following a long illness. He was 96. Flory...

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  • Memory & History

    Memory & History

    February 20, 2004

    NEW YORK – From 1892 to its official close in 1954, more than 12 million immigrants passed through the gates of New York’s Ellis Island, yearning for freedom and a new life on American shores. The...

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  • The struggle to end the occupation of Iraq

    The struggle to end the occupation of Iraq

    February 20, 2004

    Opinion Progressive forces in Iraq, among which the Iraqi Communist Party (ICP) plays a key role, suffered immense losses in dead and imprisoned under the right-wing Saddam Hussein dictatorship. Yet they always opposed any outside intervention...

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  • Letters


    February 20, 2004

    Uncle Fred was larger than life A special thanks to Tim Wheeler for his article about my uncle, Fred Gaboury. Tim’s family knew Fred well. Uncle Fred was definitely larger than life. When I was growing...

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  • Editorials


    February 20, 2004

    Wisconsin surprise Wisconsin produced some surprises with Sen. John Edwards (D-N.C.) coming in a close second to Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), thanks to Edwards strong appeal to independents in the state’s open primary Feb. 17. Kerry...

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