
  • Industrial unions say Beat Bush!

    Industrial unions say Beat Bush!

    February 13, 2004

    WASHINGTON – You know you’re at a great conference when, before the first speaker can finish even one paragraph, 3,000 screaming workers jump to their feet, whooping and hollering to beat George Bush. That about sums...

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  • 20,000 Marylanders say: Save Our Schools

    20,000 Marylanders say: Save Our Schools

    February 13, 2004

    ANNAPOLIS, Md. – Holding neon light sticks in the chill darkness and placards that read “Fund Public Schools,” parents, students, teachers and other school workers marched on the State House Feb. 9 to demand that Gov....

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  • White House sold war with smoke & mirrors

    White House sold war with smoke & mirrors

    February 13, 2004 By Susan Webb

    Which is worse, a president who doesn’t know what’s going on and is manipulated by others, or a president who launches a war knowingly using false or misleading information to sell it to the American people?...

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  • National Clips

    National Clips

    February 12, 2004

    NEW YORK CITY: ‘Don’t use our name’ for Patriot Act Just blocks from the crater where the World Trade Center once stood, the New York City Council voted Feb. 4 to oppose the USA Patriot Act,...

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  • Michigan voters focus on job losses

    Michigan voters focus on job losses

    February 12, 2004

    YPSILANTI, Mich. – Disappearing jobs. That is the issue that primarily motivated nearly 150,000 Michigan voters to participate in the Democratic presidential caucus. Since George W. Bush took office, 140,000 manufacturing jobs were lost and the...

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