
  • Bushs deepening quagmire in Iraq

    Bushs deepening quagmire in Iraq

    January 30, 2004

    The Bush administration encountered several new headaches this week in its effort to justify and maintain its occupation of Iraq. First among these was the dramatic admission by chief U.S. weapons inspector David Kay that Saddam...

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  • White House pushes deficit to trillions

    White House pushes deficit to trillions

    January 30, 2004

    Just a week after bragging in his State of the Union speech that the economy is on the mend, George W. Bush faced angry charges that his policies have pushed working people deeper in debt to...

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  • When Bush comes to shove  resist!

    When Bush comes to shove resist!

    January 30, 2004 By Susan Webb

    MUMBAI, India – “Imagine all the people living life in peace ...” The voices of many continents mingled in a song that has become an anthem of the worldwide peace movement, as Brazilian singer and minister...

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  • Voters riled by war, health costs, economy

    Voters riled by war, health costs, economy

    January 30, 2004

    MANCHESTER, N.H. – Health care, jobs and the Iraq war were the issues on voters’ minds as they turned out in record numbers for the Jan. 27 presidential primaries here. Over 214,000 voted in the Democratic...

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  • National Clips

    National Clips

    January 29, 2004

    SACRAMENTO, Calif.: Californians say ‘Tax the rich’ The California State Assembly is going where the money is to plug the gaping hole in the state’s budget. Polling in the state showed that 61 percent of residents...

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