
  • Imperialism behind coup in Georgia
Imperialism behind coup in Georgia

    Imperialism behind coup in Georgia Imperialism behind coup in Georgia

    December 19, 2003 By Greg Godwin

    Since the invasion and occupation of Iraq, it has become fashionable to characterize U.S. foreign policy as imperialist. Apologists have shamelessly embraced the description, while critics are appalled at what they see as a departure from...

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  • Xmas could come early for Tyson strikers

    Xmas could come early for Tyson strikers

    December 19, 2003

    JEFFERSON, Wis. – Tyson workers, on strike here since February, face a winter of continued privation, forced to stretch out their strike funds to cover necessities. But as hundreds rallied at the plant gate here Dec....

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  • Cubans denied family visits

    Cubans denied family visits

    December 19, 2003

    Olga Salanueva and Adriana Pérez won’t be able to see their husbands this holiday season. For the third time, the U.S. government refused to issue visas for Salanueva and Pérez to visit their husbands.

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  • Canadians question electoral system bias

    Canadians question electoral system bias

    December 19, 2003

    VANCOUVER, Canada – With voting rates falling across Canada, there is growing public discontent with the electoral system and renewed interest in adopting some form of Proportional Representation. In recent years Canada has been beset with...

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  • Big losses for India’s Congress Party

    Big losses for India’s Congress Party

    December 19, 2003 By M.K.N Moorthy

    NEW DELHI – Provincial elections held recently in three states – Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Chattisgarh – went heavily in favor of right-wing, Hindu nationalist forces and their political arm, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

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