
  • Cincinnati killing Questions mount on police beating

    Cincinnati killing Questions mount on police beating

    December 12, 2003

    Ohio’s Hamilton County coroner ruled Dec. 3 that the death of Nathaniel Jones, 41, was a homicide. Jones, a Black man who weighed 350 pounds, was beaten to death by Cincinnati police officers, Nov. 30. Other...

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  • GOP: not even a lump of coal for unemployed

    GOP: not even a lump of coal for unemployed

    December 12, 2003

    WASHINGTON – The majority Republican 108th Congress went home for the holidays this week having doled out sugar plums for their wealthy contributors but not even a lump of coal for millions of long-term unemployed. “It’s...

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  • Bush policies provoke city budget crisis

    Bush policies provoke city budget crisis

    December 12, 2003

    CLEVELAND – Over 725 city government employees here, including 430 safety force workers, were given layoff notices Dec. 5 as the city faces a $61 million deficit in its general fund. The job cuts, amounting to...

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  • Workers rights are human rights

    Workers rights are human rights

    December 12, 2003

    On Human Rights Day, 2003 WASHINGTON – Chanting “Workers’ rights are human rights,” more than 1,000 union workers rallied in front of the U.S. Labor Department Dec. 10. The multiracial crowd wore union caps and jackets...

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  • U.S. military attacks Iraqi trade unions

    U.S. military attacks Iraqi trade unions

    December 12, 2003 By Susan Webb

    A U.S. occupation force involving 10 armored vehicles and dozens of soldiers attacked the headquarters of the Iraqi Federation of Trade Unions in Baghdad, Dec. 6. They arrested eight of its leaders and members, who were...

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