
  • Decent paying jobs still elusive

    Decent paying jobs still elusive

    November 27, 2003 By Art Perlo

    Despite Bush administration claims that there’s an economic recovery underway, the latest employment figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics offer a grim picture for several key categories of workers.

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  • Sacramento says no to Patriot Act

    Sacramento says no to Patriot Act

    November 27, 2003

    SACRAMENTO, Calif. – In a jam-packed room filled with hundreds of community members, the Sacramento City Council voted 8-1 on Nov. 13 to support a resolution opposing the Patriot Act’s unconstitutional provisions. Sacramento thereby became the...

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  • Mumia defense office burglarized

    Mumia defense office burglarized

    November 27, 2003

    PHILADELPHIA – On Nov. 19 the office of the International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal (ICFFMAJ) here was broken into by burglars. A spokesman for the ICFFMAJ says it was “an apparent political burglary.”...

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  • International notes

    International notes

    November 27, 2003

    Africa: ILO summit vs. poverty The International Labor Organization’s 10th African Regional Meeting, Dec. 2-5 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, will project ways to build job opportunities and reduce poverty in Africa, the ILO said in a...

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  • Syria next in line for U.S. invasion?

    Syria next in line for U.S. invasion?

    November 27, 2003

    News Analysis The recent passage in both houses of Congress of the “Syrian Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration Act” is but one facet of a relentless buildup of U.S. pressure on Damascus. The Syrian Accountability Act,...

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